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  • Writer's pictureAbi Geldard

Are you ready to tackle some Big Questions?

Firstly, thank you to all Just, Good Travel members, followers and webinar attendees for your support of our community. The group’s growth since January (508 LinkedIn followers at the last count!) confirms that the appetite to make positive changes is increasing in our travel network. Now is the time for action. As Donna from UK for Good says “If not us, then who? If not now, then when?”.

We’ve had time to digest the September Just, Good Travel webinar - “Just, Good Intentions” - and the topics and questions raised during the session. We had great engagement from attendees which we appreciate so much; it not only helps to make each webinar valuable and insightful, but we also take on board any feedback and highlighted topics to help us shape the next session.

Things like...

Big Questions + Big Topics = Big Thinking.

So with that in mind, we’re working on the next Just, Good Travel webinar which is going to be a little different. We were recently inspired at a Women in Travel event where keynote speaker Jaz Ampaw-Farr challenged everyone to be “10% braver”. So that’s what we’re going to do…

  • The next webinar will be 90 mins to give us a bit more time to get into things, and due to feedback that one hour goes by too quickly!

  • We’ll be asking some big questions after feedback that members are up for tackling trickier topics that make us think harder and potentially even make us a little uncomfortable. We might not have all of the answers right now, but without challenge, change at the pace required simply won’t happen

  • We’ll be using breakout rooms to give attendees the chance to network a little more closely and share knowledge and thoughts on some of these more difficult topics

We’ll be aiming to discuss the above questions and more in our usual open, friendly and encouraging forum, with the theme this time being “Just, Good Challenges”. Taking place at 11am on 29th November for 90 mins.

Just, Good Travel members will receive a link in this month’s newsletter so if you’re not yet a member you can sign up here.

Will you join us in being 10% braver?

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